
To get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.

Change Can Be Terrifying – But WORTH it!

I want to keep this post short and sweet and will do my best because attention spans are at a low and I don’t want to air ALL of my dirty laundry!  The reason I am writing this is because I wanted to sort out my thoughts over the last couple of months and if I can help even just one person feel inspired and know they have it in them to make a change in their life, then it was all worth it.

Two months ago after listening to Rachel Hollis’ podcast and her book “Girl Wash Your Face“, I was inspired to start a 90 day challenge beginning October 1st to inspire change and growth over the last 3 months of the year rather than just let everything go to pot and start January 1st. Rachel says you need these 5 to thrive:

  1. Wake up an hour early every morning and dedicate that hour to bettering yourself.
  2. Drink half of your body weight in water daily.
  3. Exercise for 30 minutes every day
  4. Give up one category of food you know you shouldn’t be eating
  5. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for every single day

I joined the Facebook group for support and encouragement and scrolled through to see what people were giving up for 30 day chunks. I wasn’t keen on getting up at 5am but I could handle dedicating an hour a day to personal growth/health. I already love to exercise and love to sweat daily. I have a hard time drinking that much water but I could drink half my body weight. I know I could ALWAYS think of little things I’m grateful for.

However I was thinking and thinking and wondered what I would give up in the food category? I didn’t necessarily have a problem with food, or excessively eating unhealthy…but my love for wine had always been something I wondered if I didn’t have a healthy relationship with.  I knew in my soul that something has been missing for a long time and that something needed to change. I was always wanting to cut back but seemed to have a hard time making it happen. For many years I felt this way. I had gone without my wine a few times and white knuckled through and felt amazing, but always started again. Could I really do it? Maybe 30 days? But I’m going into the holidays!  What would people think? Would they ask me? Would they think I have a problem? I’m not an alcoholic. Not in a ditch with a paper bag and bottle. Running a household and a business and being effective in life. BUT…I loved to sip wine…I loved to check out at the end of a long day. I looked forward to that lil cocktail to just relax and allow me to numb out. And this bothered me a little. Why? Why did I need this mommy juice so much? Why was this so necessary for me on the regular?

In the couple of weeks leading up to this 90 day challenge I had decided I would moderate…just on the weekends and maybe Wednesdays. I realized moderation has never worked for me. It ALWAYS leads to daily evening sips. The weekend before starting the 90 day challenge I experienced some moments in which I know that God was specifically telling me it was time for change in my life.  This time I was going to listen.
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Two days into the challenge I felt a little bit frustrated, like here I am again changing my behavior but feeling like I’m white knuckling it. I was browsing through the 90 day challenge Facebook group and found other ladies giving up alcohol. YAY! I wasn’t alone! I started reading through the post and someone suggested a book called “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace. I immediately downloaded the audiobook and listened to the entire thing in 2 days. I started gobbling up all of her podcasts.  I was completely shaken by what I was listening to. It was like an instant understanding and “aha” moments one after the other. My mind was blown and I felt immediately grateful I found this book! The author also had a free 30 day alcohol experiment that I did the work on and completed. I felt like a completely different person upon completion and knew in my heart I wanted to keep going. My energy levels, mental clarity, joyful disposition and productivity shot through the roof! All of a sudden I felt this confidence I was missing before…I felt like I could do anything now…I could truly follow my dreams and make it happen. Something had been holding me back before and I truly believe for me alcohol was the culprit.

Now I feel the freedom to dream again. I wake up with a clear head and ready to hit the ground running. No more fog…no more exhaustion. I’m so incredibly excited for what 2019 holds. I’m pursuing my glamour photography business with the addition of my new studio, and my luxury hair product business, and I am having more fun than I can remember!  The possibilities are endless!

I want you to know that I am COMPLETELY cool with people drinking around me and am 100% great going to holiday parties, get-togethers where others are drinking. I will party with all of you! BUT I’m drinking sparkling water! 🙂 I’m NOT judging you AT ALL! I just needed to make this change for me and my life and I’m SO incredibly grateful I did. Party on Garth and Wayne! I promise I will party with you WITHOUT judgement!

Maybe this is you? Maybe it isn’t? Maybe it’s not alcohol? Maybe it’s something else? I’m here to tell you, you can change. It’s NEVER too late. Personal growth is available to anyone. If I can change…anyone can!

If anything here resonates with you and you have questions for me…I would love to talk to you. Send me an email anytime! Or if you want to check these above links out for yourself anonymously please do it if you feel that tug!

“Girl, get a hold of your life. Stop medicating, stop hiding out, stop being afraid, stop giving away pieces of yourself, stop saying you can’t do it. Stop the negative self-talk, stop abusing your body, stop putting it all off for tomorrow or Monday or next year. Stop crying about what happened and take control of what happens next. Get up, right now. Rise up from where you’ve been, scrub away the tears and the pain of yesterday, start again…Girl, wash your face!” – Rachel Hollis

All of the love in the world for you!!


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    Alicia Mae Photography

    Serving Snohomish County and the PNW
